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Living Wills and Other End of Life Legal Options 

 Posted on November 02, 2022 in Estate Planning and Probate

Wilson County living will attorneySo many things in life are completely out of our control. The estate planning process aims to give back some of this control to people and their families when the inevitable or unpredictable happens. Estate planning can address issues associated with money and property. To ensure their family is adequately provided for in the event of their death, many people create a will, laying out the deceased person’s wishes for when they are no longer living. 

While most people have likely heard of a will, they may not have heard of a living will. Essentially, a living will is a document of medical instructions that allows you to determine, while you are still alive, what medical decisions you would like administered or withheld in the event you become medically incapacitated. If you believe you or your loved one may benefit from creating a living, it may be wise for you to contact an experienced attorney knowledgeable in estate planning. 

Advance Medical Directives in Texas

Under Texas law, advance medical directives are identified as the following:

• Living Will/directive to physicians – Generally, living wills, or advance medical directives as doctors often call them, apply when someone is terminally ill or unconscious or is simply unable to communicate with others around them. Living wills allow for a patient’s wishes to be carried out on their terms instead of putting your family through the painstaking process of deciding what to do in the case of your medical incapacitation. For example, in a living will, you can decide if, in the case of your incapacitation, you would want all possible life-sustaining treatments to be used, none to be used, or something in between. 

• Do-not-resuscitate order – This allows someone to specify whether they wish to be resuscitated if they stop breathing or their heart stops beating. Do-not-resuscitate orders can apply to CPR, defibrillation, and artificial ventilation, as well as other lifesaving methods of care. It is important to note that these lifesaving care types may occur outside of a hospital setting, such as a nursing home, hospice facility, or private residence. 

• Medical power of attorney – Someone can select and specify a medical power of attorney whom the creator of the living will trusts to make decisions on their behalf. The medical power of attorney is entrusted to carry out the wishes of the creator of the living will. In addition, it can address end-of-life care and instructions for how someone wants different medical issues to be dealt with. 

Contact a Wilson County Living Will Attorney

If you or someone you love is interested in creating a living will, Geoff Mayfield, Attorney at Law is committed to working with you every step to ensure your rights are protected, and your wishes are met. Our experienced San Antonio living will lawyer will strive to ensure you or your loved one creates a legally binding living will should it ever be needed. Call 210-535-0870 today for a free and comprehensive consultation.


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